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 The Harbingers

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Lord Bahlin1
Lord Bahlin1

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PostSubject: The Harbingers   The Harbingers Icon_minitimeFri Feb 26, 2010 4:53 am

*As you pick up The Metropolis Military Handbook, closer examination reveals a parched piece of paper, deftly folded into three equal faces and placed inside the back cover. Removing the paper from the handbook you unfold it and are presented with a neatly written passage of text, an ominous insignia branded in black wax at the bottom the likes of which you've never seen.*

To whom it may concern,

Lords Gatsu and Bahlin have decreed that an arm of The Dictator's military force be formed at my command, and referred to as The Harbingers. Agitators and antagonists, this division will be primarily responsible for terrorising everyone, day and night, and intimidating the masses of weaklings and slaves into permanent and unconditional servitude.

Above and beyond the cursory requirements placed on military recruits by Lord Bahlin for acceptance, I have further, more stringent criteria in place for prospective candidates who wish to be recognised as Harbingers. These criteria are varied and will be issued at my discretion to each candidate based on their skills, their perceived capabilities, strengths and weaknesses. Only after satisfactory fulfilment of these criteria is a candidate considered worthy of serious consideration for recruitment into this division.

It is my belief that the stringent requirements and challenges in place for each candidate will produce a vastly more capable and more reliable military division under my command, and most importantly offer The Dictator and his Lords a military division worthy of his esteem and regard.

Applications for recognition as a Harbinger are to be clearly marked and left here for my perusal. When considering making your application, bear in mind the fundamental difference between the three arms of The Metropolis Military is quite simple: The Black Guard get the dissidents; The Wolf Guard get the criminals; The Harbingers get the women.

*You see a scrawled, almost illegible mark at the bottom, and wonder for a moment if it says anything at all.*

Now place this paper back where it belongs lest you attract the ire of a remarkably kind and charming individual.
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Lord Bahlin1
Lord Bahlin1

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PostSubject: Re: The Harbingers   The Harbingers Icon_minitimeFri Feb 26, 2010 4:55 am

Title: Harbinger Concept

Every character is an individual, and that is extremely important, however I will offer a broad description of a typical Harbinger for reference. Feel free to deviate from this where you see fit, but for what it's worth this is the general idea I had in mind when I thought up the concept.

Harbinger - def. "Something that foreshadows a future event; omen; sign."

Harbingers will often exhibit a complete disregard for life, for nature, for courtesy, and above all, others. Sociopaths and other psychotics make good Harbingers, pacifists and bleeding hearts do not. Vampires typically do not fit either. Almost without exception they're narcisistic, arrogant, blunt and brash. They are not humble, polite or patient. Their tendency to manipulate and take advantage of others is significant. They despise weakness and vulnerability and above all things respect strength and power. When they are faced with authority they respect it if refusal means they're to be killed. They take great pleasure in inflicting needless pain upon the helpless and vulnerable. They are relentless in their burning desire to spill blood, and they see death and pain and suffering as a drug, a habit they can't kick. If blood is not spilt on a regular basis they begin to lose their composure and become extremely volatile.

Harbingers have been known to watch people die at their feet, quoting scripture heralding their departure as liberation, or deliverance from their afflictions (e.g. destitution, stupidity or imperfection). They are known to chase their quarry with blade drawn maniacally laughing as they announce their imminent 'disposal', ultimately enjoying themselves immensely. Killing is pure pleasure, put simply, it is sport.

Like the vast majority of sociopaths, Harbingers typically have a considerable measure of intelligence and/or wisdom, and are rarely lured into traps or taken advantage of. They do not blindly enter battles in which they can't or won't prevail. They pick their battles and they emerge victorious.
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Lord Bahlin1
Lord Bahlin1

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PostSubject: Re: The Harbingers   The Harbingers Icon_minitimeFri Feb 26, 2010 4:56 am

Title: Harbinger Conduct

Unfortunate, but necessary, remarks regarding conduct and behaviour:

This is for the good of everyone... If you want to be popular, don't apply to be involved in this group. While the idea behind the group is strictly an RP concept, it's safe to assume we will routinely be involved in PvP altercations. Killing people in PvP situations on this server almost invariably results in OOC complications whether you like it or not. Unfortunately many people can't separate IC fighting from OC hatred, that's not our mistake, but it's something we still have to accept because it happens often.

This group will be acting on the edge - that is, the edge of the Bonds of Blood ruleset. Be aware there's a pretty strong chance that being a part of this group and roleplaying a soldier will at some point lead to things other players do not like and likely consider 'harsh' or 'rough' at times. If you do not possess 1) the maturity; 2) the patience; and 3) the considerable self-control required to abide by the server rules AT ALL TIMES, don't bother asking to be a part of the group. Broken rules will not be tolerated. I'm not a nagging pain in the neck, I just refuse to spend my limited time playing a policeman to misbehaviour.

Membership in this group requires you to remain in character at all times unless you are occasionally using the party or tell channels where necessary. I also wish to remind everyone of the fundamentals of military RP mentioned by Bahlin in his original 'The Handbook' thread, and also the similar standards pointed out in The Wolf Guard's forum. You salute officers, you obey orders, behave like a soldier, be treated like a soldier. Pretty simple, it's all common sense really. The same applies within this Harbinger division. Saves me repeating it.
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PostSubject: Re: The Harbingers   The Harbingers Icon_minitime

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